Giant Order is a design research studio, with work spanning from objects and spaces to strategic ideas and designs for cities.

Founder Eleanor Pries brings expertise across disciplines of architecture, urban design, landscape, and creative communications. Pries has worked in the design industry for over fifteen years.An Assistant Professor of Design at San José State University, her research explores architecture’s relationship to water, light, and air, through material innovation and advanced fabrication techniques.

Pries holds a BA in Visual and Environmental Studies from Harvard University, MA in Architectural History from the University of Virginia, and MArch from the University of California, Berkeley. She received the Frederick Sheldon Fellowship for urban design and John K. Branner Fellowship for architecture. Her work has been featured in The Atlantic Cities, Archinect, Current Objects, Dialogue.co, NCBDS, Pruned, Wired Magazine, and shown at the Museum of Craft and Design.



A Giant Order is a design invention prototyped by Alberti and developed by Michelangelo. Breaking with tradition, a Giant Order column system spans across all levels in a building.